Live Interactions with the Moving Image
[another tree dance]
[another tree dance] is a performance that translates, resolves, returns, and recuperates six years of doctoral study out of discipline. It is growing out of Karinne’s dissertation, a comparative study of experimentalism in performance and 19th century American literature, but is becoming a performance in conversation and collaboration with Sara Smith, fellow quietist, disciplinary saunterer, and choreographic mind.
Artists Involved: Karinne Keithley, Sara Smith.
Lead Artist: KARINNE KEITHLEY is an interdisciplinary artist working in performance, audio, video, text, and paper. She has collaborated as a performer and designer with Chris Yon, Sara Smith, David Neumann, Young Jean Lee, Big Dance Theater, Sibyl Kempson, among others, and co-founded two playwrights’ posses (JOYCE CHO, Machiqq). She founded and co-edits the 53rd State Press, publisher of new writing for performance, and estimates she will finish her Ph.D. in English some time next year. Her show/museum Montgomery Park, or Opulence, won a 2011 Bessie Award for Outstanding Production.